Trend of 2024: Unmissable colourful lenses
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Trend of 2024: Unmissable colourful lenses
Put on this season's trend - unmissable colourful lenses - and forget about boredom! By adding color to your everyday style, you will show the world who you really are.
Why choose Colorful lenses?
This trend is playful, extraordinary and super chic! Choose unmistakable sunglasses or improve your prescription glasses with colored lenses. Whether you're in the mood for soft tones of brown, or you want to get the attention with bold red, pink, yellow or green, you'll never miss a step with colors this year.
Why choose Colorful lenses?
This trend is playful, extraordinary and super chic! Choose unmistakable sunglasses or improve your prescription glasses with colored lenses. Whether you're in the mood for soft tones of brown, or you want to get the attention with bold red, pink, yellow or green, you'll never miss a step with colors this year.
Hitta din storlek
TIPS #1: Kontrollera storleken på dina nuvarande glasögon
- Titta på insidan av dina glasögon. Vanligtvis hittar du en rad siffror där som representerar bågens storlek och utseende, det ser ut ungefär så här: 52 [] 22 145
- Information om bågens storlek hittas oftast på insidan av skalmarna eller bryggan
TIPS #2: Använd ett betalkort
Kortet sträcker sig långt bortom änden av ditt öga
Kortet slutar i slutet av ögat
Kortet når inte slutet av ögat