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Prescription glasses | Grey - sida 17

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Prescription glasses | Grey - sida 17

Find your unique model of prescription glasses with a gray frame and complete your final look. You can choose not only from classic models, but also bold pieces. We offer glasses from world-famous fashion designers and brands. With the help of a Virtual try-on, you can also try them on from the comfort of your home.

Prescription glasses are your daily aid, so don't underestimate their choice. Rather, reach for higher quality pieces made of durable materials such as titanium or steel. Glasses with a titanium frame are also suitable for people who are allergic to other metal materials.

Don't skimp on prescription glasses

Although the initial investment may seem high, it will pay off in the form of long-term wear. Better avoid cheap prescription glasses from stores. These are often made of poor quality and are quickly damaged. They also have the same lens size, which doesn't suit most people. It often happens that each eye needs a different diopter. Therefore, always choose glasses only according to the prescription from your eye doctor.

Choose the right frame shape

Thanks to our advanced Virtual try-on, you can try on almost all glasses from the comfort of your home. Find out your face type first, because not every frame shape suits all types. There are square, round, oval or heart types of faces.

What lens improvements can you choose?

In our offer, in addition to classic lenses, you can also find anti-reflective, photochromic or a blue light protection filter as improvements. Anti-reflective lenses reduce glare and improve visibility during night driving. In turn, glasses with a blue light filter protect your vision from the harmful blue radiation produced by electronic devices.
Hitta din storlek

TIPS #1: Kontrollera storleken på dina nuvarande glasögon

  • Titta på insidan av dina glasögon. Vanligtvis hittar du en rad siffror där som representerar bågens storlek och utseende, det ser ut ungefär så här: 52 [] 22 145
  • Information om bågens storlek hittas oftast på insidan av skalmarna eller bryggan
Kontrollera storleken på dina nuvarande glasögon

TIPS #2: Använd ett betalkort

Kortet sträcker sig långt bortom änden av ditt öga
Kortet slutar i slutet av ögat
Kortet når inte slutet av ögat

Glasögonbågens mått

Glasögonbågens mått