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Prescription glasses | Black - sida 55

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Prescription glasses | Black - sida 55

Do you like elegance? Black prescription glasses are right for you. They are among the most popular color variations of the frames, thanks to the easy possibility of combining them with your everyday outfits. In addition to various colors, our offer also includes glasses in interesting shapes. You can therefore take them as a full-fledged fashion accessory. You can also choose from pieces from world-famous fashion brands or from our own collections - Kohe or OiO.

Invest in quality

You can have quality glasses for years. So when choosing, think about the fact that you wear them every day. It is important that they fit you and do not press you anywhere. Poor quality plastic can easily scratch or break. In addition, you can choose from special lens surface upgrades in our offer. For example, lenses with protection against blue light. We are often exposed to it and we don't even realize it. It is mostly produced by the displays of electronic devices such as mobile phones, televisions and computers. This light mainly disturbs our sleep.

However, in addition to the filter, think about the right shape. Thanks to our Virtual try-on, you can try on almost every model from the comfort of your home. Find out your face type and choose from a selection of quality glasses.

Do not neglect the choice of glasses

The wrong prescription glasses can cause you significant problems. For example, bring on a headache. It is also possible that you need a different diopter size for each eye. Therefore, it is better not to buy "ready-made" glasses from supermarkets or other stores, even if their price is attractive. Always first have your eyesight measured by a professional, who will adapt the choice of glasses exactly to your needs. So choose glasses only according to his prescription.
Hitta din storlek

TIPS #1: Kontrollera storleken på dina nuvarande glasögon

  • Titta på insidan av dina glasögon. Vanligtvis hittar du en rad siffror där som representerar bågens storlek och utseende, det ser ut ungefär så här: 52 [] 22 145
  • Information om bågens storlek hittas oftast på insidan av skalmarna eller bryggan
Kontrollera storleken på dina nuvarande glasögon

TIPS #2: Använd ett betalkort

Kortet sträcker sig långt bortom änden av ditt öga
Kortet slutar i slutet av ögat
Kortet når inte slutet av ögat

Glasögonbågens mått

Glasögonbågens mått