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Persol prescription glasses - sida 2

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Persol prescription glasses - sida 2

Are you looking for prescription glasses that will be comfortable, stylish and won't break easily? Choose from models from the iconic Persol brand. We offer frames in both classic and refined shapes that will definitely attract the attention of passers-by. Persol prescription glasses are made for men and women of all ages. Try them on comfortably via webcam to find out which shape fits you best.

Why choose Persol prescription glasses?

Persol prescription glasses are a guarantee of quality and original design. Persol was founded in Italy as early as 1917, so it belongs to one of the oldest manufacturers of glasses in the world. In addition, the brand prides itself on the fact that all of its frames are still made by hand and in Italy. The production process and the materials used guarantee that these glasses can withstand many falls or unconscious landings.

With Persol prescription glasses, you get an iconic piece that is not only design-tuned, but also functional.

Why is it worth investing in prescription glasses?

Although the initial investment in quality prescription glasses may be higher, it will pay off over time. Especially in the form of long-term comfortable wear. Frames made of durable materials will not get damaged easily and you will not have to replace them after a few months.

In addition, it is a matter of sight, and it is not worth saving on that. Do not try to improve it with prescription glasses from the supermarket or drugstore. Always order lenses according to your doctor's prescription and have your diopters measured regularly.
Hitta din storlek

TIPS #1: Kontrollera storleken på dina nuvarande glasögon

  • Titta på insidan av dina glasögon. Vanligtvis hittar du en rad siffror där som representerar bågens storlek och utseende, det ser ut ungefär så här: 52 [] 22 145
  • Information om bågens storlek hittas oftast på insidan av skalmarna eller bryggan
Kontrollera storleken på dina nuvarande glasögon

TIPS #2: Använd ett betalkort

Kortet sträcker sig långt bortom änden av ditt öga
Kortet slutar i slutet av ögat
Kortet når inte slutet av ögat

Glasögonbågens mått

Glasögonbågens mått