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Dolce & Gabbana prescription glasses

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Vi återbetalar även pengar för linser!
Vid första köpet av dioptriska glasögon med eyerim vision-glas ger vi dig full återbetalning när vid retur inom 30 dagar. Läs mer om vår returpolicy.
Dolce & Gabbana DG1348 01

Dolce & Gabbana DG1348 01

I lager
SEK2,079.00 med koden SEE20  Kopierat!
Dolce & Gabbana DG1348 05

Dolce & Gabbana DG1348 05

I lager
SEK1,567.00 med koden SEE20  Kopierat!
Dolce & Gabbana DG1348 02

Dolce & Gabbana DG1348 02

För att beställa
SEK1,871.00 med koden SEE20  Kopierat!
Dolce & Gabbana DG1348 1327

Dolce & Gabbana DG1348 1327

För att beställa
SEK1,871.00 med koden SEE20  Kopierat!
Visar 1 - 4 / 4

Dolce & Gabbana prescription glasses

Choose from our range of designer prescription glasses from Dolce & Gabbana. In the collection, you will find elegant and timeless frames, but also trendy models for the more daring. Both women and men of all ages will enjoy it. You can choose prescription glasses made of light but durable plastic or a metal design.

Why choose Dolce & Gabbana prescription glasses?

Dolce & Gabbana are among the most iconic fashion designers. Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana met while working as assistant designers at the Armani studio in Milan. They created their first collection in 1985. They started with women's knitwear and underwear, later a collection of street fashion and models for children was added. However, they didn't just stop at clothes. They also ventured into accessories and perfumes.

With Dolce & Gabbana prescription glasses, you get an iconic piece that will last for years. Their collection is timeless and luxurious. Try them on from the comfort of your webcam to find out which shape suits your face best.

Don't skimp on prescription glasses

It is not worth saving on prescription glasses. Remember that you will wear them every day, so it is important that they are as comfortable as possible. There is nothing worse than being pushed on the nose or behind the ears. When choosing, consider the material from which they are made. Low-quality plastic or metal will not last long and can easily break or scratch.

Also, don't buy prescription glasses without a prescription. Although the ones you find in regular stores cost less, they can damage your eyesight even more. The correct diopter cannot be determined without professional measurement.
Hitta din storlek

TIPS #1: Kontrollera storleken på dina nuvarande glasögon

  • Titta på insidan av dina glasögon. Vanligtvis hittar du en rad siffror där som representerar bågens storlek och utseende, det ser ut ungefär så här: 52 [] 22 145
  • Information om bågens storlek hittas oftast på insidan av skalmarna eller bryggan
Kontrollera storleken på dina nuvarande glasögon

TIPS #2: Använd ett betalkort

Kortet sträcker sig långt bortom änden av ditt öga
Kortet slutar i slutet av ögat
Kortet når inte slutet av ögat

Glasögonbågens mått

Glasögonbågens mått