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Prescription glasses | Round - sida 28

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Prescription glasses | Round - sida 28

Are you looking for new prescription glasses in a retro or vintage design? Choose from stylish "Lennon glasses". In our offer you will find elegant timeless frames in metal design as well as bold pieces in dark colors or with animal motifs. Find the right ones for you and wear glasses that John Lennon or Ozzy Osbourne also loved.

Who are round glasses suitable for?

Round prescription glasses are suitable for men and women of all ages. However, they do not suit every type of face. If yours is round, choose a different type of frame. "Lennon glasses" especially stand out on a square or heart-shaped face. If you don't know if they would suit you, try one of our models conveniently via webcam.

What should you pay attention to when choosing prescription glasses?

When choosing prescription glasses, pay particular attention to their size and also to choose the correct diopters and lenses. Before buying, always go to an eye doctor who will reliably measure your eyesight and determine the type of eye defect. You may not only be suffering from farsightedness or nearsightedness, but also astigmatism, for example. This is a congenital eye defect where your eye focuses unevenly. So you need glasses lenses with special cylinders.

Why invest in high-quality prescription glasses?

You will probably wear prescription glasses every day. That's why they should fit you perfectly, suit your style and withstand even some falling or unwanted sitting on. If you choose a high-quality and timeless model, it will serve you well for several years and the initial investment will quickly return to you.
Size guide

TIPS #1: Kontrollera storleken pÄ dina nuvarande glasögon

  • Titta pĂ„ insidan av dina glasögon. Vanligtvis hittar du en rad siffror dĂ€r som representerar bĂ„gens storlek och utseende, det ser ut ungefĂ€r sĂ„ hĂ€r: 52 [] 22 145
  • Information om bĂ„gens storlek hittas oftast pĂ„ insidan av skalmarna eller bryggan
Kontrollera storleken pÄ dina nuvarande glasögon

TIPS #2: AnvÀnd ett betalkort

Kortet strÀcker sig lÄngt bortom Ànden av ditt öga
Kortet slutar i slutet av ögat
Kortet nÄr inte slutet av ögat
Guide för ansiktsform

Vilken ansiktsform har du?

Bra att veta
Om du tror att du har en ansiktsform som Àr lik nÄgon av de som listas nedan och minst 2 huvudegenskaper stÀmmer, sÄ har du hittat en matchning!

Kantig form

Kantig form

  • Fyrkantig kĂ€ke
  • Ansiktet Ă€r minimalt rundat
  • Panna, kindben och kĂ€ke Ă€r nĂ€stan lika breda
  • Ansiktet Ă€r lika lĂ„ngt som det Ă€r brett


  • Spetsen pĂ„ vĂ€xande hĂ€r i mitten av pannan
  • Spetsigare haka
  • Pannan och kindbenen Ă€r bredast
  • Smal kĂ€ke


  • Ansiktet Ă€r lika lĂ„ngt som det Ă€r brett
  • KĂ€ken har inga sĂ€rdrag, den Ă€r vĂ€ldigt rundad
  • Kindbenen Ă€r bredast i ansiktet
Oval form

Oval form

  • Ansiktet Ă€r lĂ€ngre snarare Ă€n bredare
  • Kindbenen Ă€r mer framtrĂ€dande
  • Pannan och hakan Ă€r rundade
  • Inga skarpa/distinkta sĂ€rdrag